Development of a cost-optimized novel soil sampling methodology for precision agriculture
The project aims to develop a new soil sampling technology that enables the modeling of not only surface soil properties, but also subsurface properties and diagnostic properties which affect yield potential and might be addressed by agronomical actions. Survey sites are selected in 5 different locations of the country with varying geological, geomorphological and climatic conditions to develop a robust technology performing under diverse conditions
Precision agriculture technology is one of the main drivers of modern agriculture. Novel data collection equipment appears on a regular basis, geostatistical methods, clustering algorithms seem to be constant despite the fact that new methodologies are also available due to higher computing capacities, and higher resolution data collection.
We develop a new sampling technology that enables the modeling of not only surface soil properties, but also subsurface properties and diagnostic properties which affect yield potential and might be addressed by agronomical actions. Survey sites are selected in 5 different locations of the country with varying geological, geomorphological and climatic conditions to develop a robust technology performing under diverse conditions.
Észak-Alföldi region, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county
Discovery Center | Gödöllő
Rural Development Program
Own resources
Magyar Tenger Mg. Kft. | Farmer
Bonusz Agro Nonprofit Kft. | Farmers
Tolnanémedi Agrár Kft. | Farmer
Tálas Sándor | Farmer
AgroTár Kft. | Farmer
Szabó Gyula | Farmer
Kincses Sándorné | Researcher