Our services support the modern agriculture
Precision agricultural consultancy
Precision agriculture is a management technology based on the observation, measurement and response of crop variability between and within crops. The goal of precision agricultural research is to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) to manage the entire economy with the goal of effectively conserving resources by optimizing the return on inputs.
Precision agriculture provides information to farmers to keep records of their agricultural production, which significantly improves decision-making and promotes greater traceability, thus making agricultural products more competitive. This technology is also an excellent tool for continuously improving the properties of the agricultural products produced (eg bread flour wheat).
Remote sensing with drones
With unmanned aircraft, we can obtain a lot of information conveniently and in a short time using the sensors mounted on the vehicles, so we can study the light waves reflected from different surfaces in the spectrum invisible to the human eye. With the help of multispectral cameras we can collect RGB NDVI or NGB data, while with hyperspectral devices we can collect information from a wider spectrum. In most cases, data is collected using pre-programmed and scheduled flights, in special cases using simpler flight support systems or manual control.
By systematizing the data collected during remote sensing, precise correlations can be drawn about the condition and geological properties of the studied area, and it can also provide useful help in planning the necessary interventions. Unlike conventional soil measurement, we can work in a short time and at a fraction of the cost.
GIS Services
GIS involves the delimitation of tables, the systematization of agricultural data and their incorporation into a database. After analyzing the data obtained from satellite images and collected by drone aerial remote sensing, application plans and yield maps are prepared. Farm data is thus available in an easy-to-use, clear and transparent format. The data in the various tables thus provide complex and analytical data analysis and easy, fast access for both producers and researchers.
Soil sampling
In the framework of soil sampling, in addition to the traditional 5 ha sampling, we also perform precision soil sampling and soil protection planning for farmers. In the case of precision soil sampling, delimited zones are created based on yield maps and satellite images, which show which areas need to be soil sampled to get an accurate picture of the heterogeneity of the field. Precision sampling makes it possible to achieve optimal nutrient replenishment, minimize environmental impact, achieve higher yields and reduce production costs.
Plant protection consultancy
It can achieve a significant increase in yields on your farm following plant protection advice against weeds, pests and diseases. The detailed expert advice of our researchers also includes the types of plant protection products and their professional use, facilitating producer decision-making. Our extensive network of contacts provides support from both the user and supplier side, thus enabling complex expert advice.
We work with the latest technologies in the application of pesticides. We also provide assistance in the procurement and use of spray drones, as well as in accurately determining the amount of application.
Soil and Plant Analytics
In our environmental analysis laboratory, we perform the analysis of professionally sampled soil and plant samples, which is set up depending on the sample type and the level of detail of the analysis. Our accurate and reliable results are due to the work of a young team of researchers and engineers in environmental analytics, who are constantly striving to provide our customers with results at competitive prices and with a short commitment period.
Soil Protection Plans
Various agricultural activities are subject to official notification, such as the use of slurry on arable land, soil improvement, landscaping for agriculture and the installation of technical equipment for erosion protection.
Agricultural landscaping, recultivation, irrigation, soil improvement, plantation planting, humus rescue, wastewater recovery or water management, our trained team undertakes the precise and accurate preparation of a soil protection plan.
Agricultural farm management systems

Agriculture weather sensors
Sustainable and modern cultivation technology is based on accurate data collection and processing. We monitor the condition of the soil, water and air with the complex network of our sensors. This way, farmers can find out what the soil and plants need, see what’s in the water, and take the necessary interventions ahead of time to predict droughts and floods, thus minimizing their losses.
Trusted partners
Through our partners, We can combine our knowledge to ensure all the advantages of modern technologies for our customers.