In arable crop production, both quantitative and qualitative animal husbandry needs must be taken into account in the production of mass fodder. When analysing the cost structure of animal husbandry, the proportion of material costs is significant, namely around 60-70 % of feed costs.
In recent years, livestock revenues have developed unfavourably, therefore the production of mass feeds has become vital to maintain competitiveness. If the farm produced part of the fodder itself, it was able to reduce its costs. Increasing efficiency in the cultivation of silage and fodder maize is also a marginal issue. The condition of competitive cultivation is the application of precision farming, including site-specific farming, the demarcation of zones with the same site conditions, and the adaptation of tillage systems adapted to today's increasingly extreme weather conditions. In addition to these principles, special attention should also be paid to selecting the right hybrids so while improving competitiveness, the burden on the environment can also be reduced. This means that the desired input materials are delivered site-specifically where the efficiency of their use is the most favourable. The basic units that fundamentally affect production are soil patches within the field, that have different fertility. In the application of precision farming, yield maps and income maps are based on these field patches. With the statistical processing of the large number of basic data generated, we have the opportunity to cleaning up farming data and exploit the additional income-generating effect of precision technology. With the help of available agricultural machinery systems, farms engaged in fodder growing are already increasingly using automatic control in various power machines. In the future, power and machine systems must be operated at a higher level of precision farming, taking advantage of the technological solutions that these machines imply.
The climate in Hungary has become more extreme over the past hundred years. In arable crop
production, the time interval available under optimal conditions for certain technological operations has decreased. For different soil types, these statements may be exponentially true. According to other studies, each year conditions are becoming more and more varied, and the optimal time to implement the elements of the crop management programme at the optimal time is even narrower, and in extreme cases the optimal conditions do not exist for a single day. In addition, a significant risk factor is the phenomenon that precipitation shows high variability both in space and time. The challenges presented above are solved by the development at hand. Taking into account the agroecological conditions of Hungary, as well as environmental regulations and resource management requirements, the application of precision farming in feed production is recommended. Within the fields, the spots where extra profit can be achieved are determined, while in other parts of the fields we can implement technology with an average profit content. It is important to adjust the intensity of the technology to the expected profitability at the field spot level. Spring weather anomalies have an adverse effect on the crop management programme of silage maize. Late spring and rainy weather hinder the pre-sowing work and the sowing itself, causing trailed inhomogeneous sprouting, which also affects the subsequent development of the crop stock. Mistakes made during sowing cannot be remedied later, or only very difficult. If these adverse effects persist, raw materials with completely uncertain quantities and unfavourable nutritional values will be available for livestock production. Our goal is to ensure that this unfavorable process does not occur during the technology of fodder cultivation.
Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar county
Discovery Center | Gödöllő
Rural Development Program
Own resources
Bihari Ferenc
Szabó Nándor
Balogné Ujvári Andrea
Dr. Kovács Krisztián
556 869 eFt
Monitoring II.