In today’s agricultural practice, precision farming is gaining more and more ground. This process takes place in arable crop production technology, including harvesting. Both foreign and domestic research and practical developments point towards the delimitation of homogeneous spots within the field.
Harvesting is the most tangible operation. It is then that the result of the work done by the farmer in the entire production process is realized. It is important to be able to harvest as much of the produced crop as possible, the loss of which should be as small as possible both in quantity and quality. Yield mapping is one of the cornerstones of precision farming. The basis of the precision crop management program are the long-term available yield maps, with the help of which we can draw conclusions about the fertility of fields and field patches. Current measurement systems record data at 500-600 points per hectare. Yield maps also form the basis for precision crop production to have various income and profitability maps. Nowadays, competitiveness is based on the fact that the farmer’s decision should be well-supported in terms of the intensity to be achieved within the field during the cultivation of the given crop. In Hungary, the farm structure is currently fragmented, the distances between the fields, and the distances between the fields and the places where the crops are stored are large. The problem often arises that it is useless to have harvesters suitable for high performance, if the logistical capacity is not available and the target machine has to wait for a longer or shorter time. This causes a significant increase in costs for farmers. Today, all leading agricultural machine manufacturers have machine systems that meet the requirements of precision farming. Continuous precise documentation plays a significant role in site-specific management, as processes can be understood and corrected later, thus improving the quality of construction and cost-effectiveness.
During the experiment, we used the precision machines to be purchased to optimize the quantity and quality of the harvest for cost optimization and sustainable agriculture.
Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar county
Discovery Center | Gödöllő
Rural Development Program
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